This last week went by so fast! We were literally running from cita to cita again this last week. It is a lot of work to get people prepared and to still have time for all the other appointments and meetings that we have. But we loved it. The baptismal service went SO good too. There were more people that came to the service than come to church on Sunday. It was amazing. We normally have around 45 people that come(including 6 to 8 investigators) and that number was more that doubled at the service. It was crazy because when it was time for the actual baptisms I felt like I was directing traffic in and out of the font. I have never experienced anything like it before. It was a little hectic but at the same time there was a calm that filled the air. And our new converts really felt the spirit. Right before the service ended they had a chance to bear their testimonies and it was so amazing to hear them talk. We held the service in the chapel because there were so many people and when they got up to the pulpit and started talking I was so proud of them. Ramon, the older man got up and was pretty emotional. He talked about feeling like a burden had been lifted from him and that he just felt happy.
Then on Sunday they were all confirmed members and received the Holy Ghost. I am so excited because in Ignacio´s confirmation they talked about him going on a mission and serving the Lord. It was really cool to hear that. They are all such good people and they are all so excited about the church and love learning about everything and coming on Sunday. My companion and I have been seeing so many miracles here in Villa Norte. I still remember when I got here and we had nothing. Not one investigator and not one cita. We didn´t even have a study desk, chairs, blankets for our beds, or a place to put our clothes. This ward had been closed for months because there had not been progress for almost 2 years and all the members were known for being a ¨cold ward¨. It is crazy because I never once sensed that. I have loved every day here and we have been experiencing so much success. I love this ward and I love our investigators, the ward families, and our converts. I am crossing my fingers that the president will leave me here for a least 2 more changes. :)
It sounds like you guys have had a lot going on lately. That well be fun to get new carpet upstairs and to tile in the basement. Thank you for all the pictures of everybody. It is fun to see how much everyone is growing. It is crazy that I have been gone so long! It sounds like the ward vision is really good! Here in Chile we have a really hard time with people going inactive... we could look for and teach less actives and inactives all day everyday and never get to them all. It is really sad. But it is good the ward is working on that because it is so much better for the members to bring them back so that they will stay.
The earthquakes are becoming a little bit normal, but not big ones like last week. They have little tremblers like everyday but big ones that last more then 5 seconds are a little bit stressful for
Saturday night almost the whole country of Chile lost power for like 3 hours. It was pitch black and we could not see a thing! We were literally running in the street when suddenly everything went black. It is was alright because we have all of our emergency stuff which includes flashlight and candles. lol
Anyway sorry I am pressed for time and I still have to write the president. Love you all,
Hermana Lichty